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The Truth About Trusts


A little up-front work saves your family time, money and a whole lot of stress in the end.

Life is complex.

You’re busy.

Working hard, family responsibilities, pulled in all different directions, and sometimes (usually) your reward for getting through the day is starting all over and doing it again the next day.

I get it. I live it too. But it’s all the more reason to do yourself a favor. Do your family a favor. Don’t let the distractions of daily life rob you of your common sense and rob your heirs of what you plan to leave them.

Here’s how.

Find a lawyer you’re comfortable with, someone that listens as much as talks, and create a living trust.

It means preparation of a few more documents than simply using a will, to pass your assets to people you’re working to provide for after you’re gone.

The trust provides for their secure future – and your peace of mind.

You can take comfort knowing you won’t be leaving them with a mess because you were too busy to spend a little time to avoid it.

At HLO we have a streamlined process, even a questionnaire you can complete online so we keep the meeting short and really make our time together count.

Count on real people ready to guide you every step of the way, helping you transfer your assets to the trust, and always available to answer your questions.

If you plan to buy a new home, open a new account, or whatever your next investment or financial move may be, give us a call and we’ll help to ensure it coordinated with the trust.

In fact, we’ll promise that if you call or email, you’ll hear from us in hours, not days, maybe even minutes.

We protect your time now, and your assets today, tomorrow and into the future.
Everyone’s future is unknown and uncertain, but a little time now will make it easier on your kids, family and friends when you’re gone, because you have it handled.

Saving them time, saving them money, and sparing them the stress, delays and expense of a probate.

To learn more, visit us online, reach out with an email, or fill out our online questionnaire.

Thanks for reading and all the best to you and yours.


About the Decoding the Law Series

We know the law can be complex and confusing.  So, we’ve written this
continuing series to replace mystery with clarity, and to explain the
basic facts of estate planning in a straightforward, easy-to-understand
way. Every client deserves to know what we’re doing and why, so our
transparent process is designed for your peace of mind. It’s the HLO
difference: Estate Planning to Business Counsel to Wealth Preservation.
The law decoded, giving clients a secure future, a lawyer to believe in.
